Scavenger Hunt Survey


A friend reached out to me asking if I knew of any websites that present a survey in the form of a bingo board. I didn’t, but since I was on spring break, I figured I’d code it up for him real quick. The survey is displayed in the form of a bingo board, and clicking on a tile allows you to respond to a question. My other friend Joe Freeston was very helpful in providing Docker build config and instructions. We reconsidered the design recently and pivoted to a scavenger hunt model.


I used Python with the Flask web framework to develop the web application. Data was stored in an external SQL database.


To deploy the application, we used Docker and the Google Cloud Run service, and a free SQL database was spun up at Kamatara. Although both of these services are typically paid, each offers a limited number of credits. Since we only needed to deploy for one week, we were able to use these services for free. The only cost was the domain name, which was relatively inexpensive.


Over the course of the week-long event, many people engaged with the site, networking and filling out the survey. The Dyer Center called it a success, and I was specifically instructed to “save the code” for a possible future event. I am proud of the work I did on this project and am excited to see where it goes in the future.

If you want to see more of this project...